Saturday, March 28, 2009

honesty, the debate

So, I got into this conversation with a friend of mine about honesty. See I'm a big fan of being open and honest with people. I mean, I don't walk up to people and give them full disclosure about my life. But when I'm asked or the discussion comes up, let's just say I'm not shy. My friend says I don't need to give full disclosure.

For example. I'm Bi, so if I'm dating a straight guy, why tell him? I think that's ridiculous. I don't want to hide who I am. And I feel like I'm being dishonest and misrepresenting myself.

I'm also an Atheist, I don't require the person I'm dating to be an atheist (though it would be nice) as long as they don't try and convert me. However a large percent of the Americans seem to have some kind of issue with Atheists. So why get emotionally involved in a relationship when it will never work out.

But I'm a good person. I'm Genuine, Caring and respectful. I just don't understand why I can't find that 1 person in 100 who wants me the way I am.

PS. I finished my finals. Got all A's woohoo!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I'm almost done with finals. I think I'm doing pretty good!