Thursday, December 20, 2012

I need you

I need you
I need you to spank me
I need you to flog me
I need you to fuck me
I need you to choke me
I need to cum so hard
I was thinking about you all day today. 
I need to  you hurt me until I cry and beg you to stop. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

I hate you.

why do you do this to me?

you know I'm falling in love with you.

how can you ignore me. Why? Why do you hurt me so? You say you've thought of me for 17 years? Any yet you finally get what you want and now you're throwing it away. It's not fair. Why am I punished for your cowardice? I'm a good person. I deserve better but what I want is you. I need you to love me. I need you to want me.

Why do you do this to me?

I hate you.

I hate you

I hate you

I hate you

I hate you

I hate you for making me love you.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

I get it now

I get it now. You were pushing me away because you were afraid of me. You are just as afraid of me as I am of you. you don't have to be afraid of me. I already love you. don't be afraid to love me. really? you test me? what would I do if you said I'm getting on a plane to come be with you? What time do I pick you up at the airport? That's my answer. you didn't think I would say that did you? Where are you going to live? Well, you'll live with me until we can find a bigger place. What will you do? You'll get a job. And we will be together. That's it. I know you have your reasons for being where you are. That's fine. Take care of your responsibilities. I want you. I need you, but I can wait. I've waited 17 years. I can wait a little longer. Yes I'm greedy. Yes I want it all. But I'm also, kind and patient and I love you so I want whats best for you too. Don't you know what's best for you is me?

Monday, November 19, 2012

I miss your face

I miss your face. Your eyes burrow to my soul. I miss your hands on my skin. In my hair. Your kisses make me smile so much my face hurts! Why are you so far away. Yes I'm a damn sap. what do you want from me. I have loved you since I was 17 years old. It scares me. You scare me. You have lived so much. Experienced so much. I feel like I won't be enough. That you will lose interest in me. I don't want to be so needy, but I need you. I need you to need me. I want to feel your hand on my ass. Your mouth on my pussy. Your cum on my face. I want all of you. I want all of you to want all of me. 

this is insane.